What's New archive
This is a list all the things we have had on the front page as "What's New".
Hot tip: click or tap on the images you see to view them as a gallery!

Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Newsletter, March 2021. Chihuahua Rescue Victoria is closing down. (Sunday, 14th of March 2021)
Sunday, 14th of March 2021 Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Newsletter, March 2021. Chihuahua Rescue Victoria is closing down. (Sunday, 14th of March 2021)

Ben and Bonnie are well behaved and bonded: see how well they have done with their new forever loving home! This is their Success Story. (Saturday, 11th of July 2020)
Say Congratulations to Ben and Bonnie on their Facebook post.
Saturday, 11th of July 2020 Ben and Bonnie are well behaved and bonded: see how well they have done with their new forever loving home! This is their Success Story.

Support us by purchasing a Chihuahua Rescue Victoria T-shirt or hoodie from this great Australian company in Tasmania — Graphic Tees Australia! (Tuesday, 23rd of June 2020)
Check out our Chihuahua Rescue Victoria clothing line of T-shirts and hoodies from Graphic Tees Australia!
What do you think of our T-shirts and hoodies? Let us know on this Facebook post!
Tuesday, 23rd of June 2020 Support us by purchasing a Chihuahua Rescue Victoria T-shirt or hoodie from this great Australian company in Tasmania — Graphic Tees Australia. We now have our own Chihuahua Rescue Victoria clothing line of T-shirts and hoodies! Part of the proceeds go to Chihuahua Rescue Victoria, helping us rescue and re-home these doggies.
What do you think of our T-shirts and hoodies? Let us know on this Facebook post!

Pixel was first named Polly Pocket, and is the happiest little playful girl who loves people and wants to be with her family full time. This is Pixel's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story! (Friday, 12th of June 2020)
Say Congratulations to Pixel on her Facebook post.
Friday, 12th of June 2020 Pixel was first named Polly Pocket, and is the happiest little playful girl who loves people and wants to be with her family full time. This is Pixel's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Marley was adopted two years ago. Read all about how wonderfully she has blossomed within these two years! This is Marley's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story! (Saturday, 6th of June 2020)
Congratulate Marley on this Facebook post for Marley's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!
Saturday, 6th of June 2020 Marley was adopted two years ago. Read all about how wonderfully she has blossomed within these two years! This is Marley's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Sunday, 31st of May 2020 A nutritional and tasty treat for your Chihuahua, we make our own Dog Biscuits as a replacement for dried dog food.
We went a bit further in this update and refurbished the Recipes page so that it now acts as an index to the Chihuahua Recipes we use regularly:
- Chihuahua Stew web page - or download the PDF
- Grain Free Stew web page - or download the PDF
- Bone Broth web page - or download the PDF
- Dog Biscuits web page - or download the PDF
Did we do a good job? Let us know on the Facebook post we created for this update.

Refurbished the What's New Archive page.
Did we do a good job? Let us know on the Facebook post we created for this update!
Monday, 25th of May 2020 Refurbished the What's New Archive page to show a pic against every entry in our website's history and look great on mobile! Did we do a good job? Let us know on the Facebook post we created for this update!

Friday, 22nd of May 2020 Added a new feature to let us see images of our lovely Chihuahuas in full screen mode! When viewing image galleries (like the one on the homepage), if you see this double arrow icon, click on it to view the image gallery in full screen mode! That's not all - on newer pages, (like Jai's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!) you can click on any image that has a caption and it will be viewable in full screen too! These features work on mobile and desktop.

Friday, 15th of May 2020 Adopted in 2013, Jai is enjoying his family and best mates, life on the beach and walks with his family. This is Jai's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Join us is saying goodbye to Gizmo on this Facebook post.
Friday, 8th of May 2020 for a number of years, web hosting services were graciously provided for free by Flexihostings
. They no longer offer this service, so we are moving to a different hosting provider, which may interrupt our service for a short time. You can still see us on Facebook and our Available now blog. Update 3.337 PM: transition has completed.

August 2019 newsletter: Life of a Rescue Worker.
Sunday, 4th of August 2019 our August 2019 newsletter: Life of a Rescue Worker.

Sunday, 16th of June 2019 In memory of Carlo, famous for his soccer skills, super happy attitude and big smiles all year round along with his forever wagging tail. See Carlo's memorial on the Chihuahua Rescue Victoria site.

Sunday, 10th of February 2019 We have added a new page: the Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Marketplace. Occasionally we have items donated to us that we cannot use directly; instead we put them up for sale in the marketplace. Funds from these items go directly towards the cost of rescuing and looking after the Chihuahuas.

Friday, 4th of January 2019 we have created a Recipes for Chihuahua page that we use to feed our own Chihuahuas: a Chihuahua Stew, a Grain Free Chihuahua Stew for dogs allergic to grain, and a Bone Broth supplement.

Friday, 4th of January 2019 after a fairly long lead time, this website is now responsive! That means this website now looks good on mobile phones and tablets - yay!

Monday, 1st of January 2018 Your chance to own some amazing art by our favourite local painter Froney Ward in support of Chihuahua Rescue Victoria. Read about it in our Newsletter for January 2018!

Saturday, 23rd of December 2017 Thinking on the doggies who have come to our rescue with medical problems and our brilliant local vet. Angel is still the boss. Chola will be looking for a new home next year. These are all in our Newsletter for December 2017!

Sunday, 8th of October 2017: Freddie was in the Herald Sun today - what a magnificent photo!

Saturday, 30th of September: Robin is an older Albino Chihuahua Cross who craves a soft bed and good food! With his forever loving family he now enjoys walks and the dulcet tones of a Ukulele in the park. Read more about him in Robin's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Monday, 11th of September 2017: In our Newsletter for September 2017, we discuss the new Chihuahua Rescue Victoria mobile site coming soon. We also have a Rainbow Bridge story for rescued dogs, and a marvellous Success Story for Freddie!

Monday, 11th of September 2017: Freddie has Cerebellar Hypoplasia, so he will stay at Chihuahua Rescue Victoria headquarters. He is such a happy little Vegemite that we will give him the best chance right here. Read about it in Freddie's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Monday, 11th of September 2017: Rocky is a gorgeous little Pom cross who loves to walk twice a day and nom raw beef or lamb bones. We are so happy to see him off to his new forever home. Read more about him in Rocky's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Monday, 24th of April 2017: Arnold was named Big Fella because he was the first in the litter! Now he is named Arnold and has gone to a loving seaside forever home. Read about it in Arnold's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

TTTTHPBT! Update on Billie after 18 months: still a very cheeky girl! (Thursday, 12th January 2017)
RIP Billie Girl.
Saturday, 22nd of April 2017: in memory of Billie Girl. Little Miss Independent, Billie Girl was very affectionate, loving.. and don't forget cheeky! She was a real character and everyone who met her loved her. Read more about Billie Girl here.

Awwww I do love my ear scratches. (Monday, 17th of April 2017)
RIP Nelson.
Monday, 17th of April 2017: in memory of Nelson, a one eyed Chihuahua Rescue Victoria dog adopted out in 2006. The passion of his human is displayed in the other dogs she loved and the memories she holds for a most energetic dog. Read more about Nelson, who loved ear scratches and had a lot of girlfriends.

Pic of Gizmo in May, 2008.
Sunday, 12th of February 2017: this is the success story and memoriam for Gizmo. He was one of the longest lived Chihuahua Rescue Victoria home dogs, and a personal favourite of Mother Chihuahua - not that there are any favourites! He was one of the first rescues, and was a stalwart friend to so many other rescues that we hope Gizmo is remembered far and wide. Read more on Gizmo's Success Story and Memoriam.

Beautiful image created by L for her beloved companion, Portia. (Sunday, 22nd of January 2017)
RIP Portia.
Sunday, 22nd of January 2017: in memory of Portia, a Chihuahua Rescue Victoria dog who found her loving forever home in 2005 and passed away on Tuesday, 17th of January 2017. "She loved the beach... she loved getting wet and then racing around on the sand like a rocket." Read the beautiful memoriam prepared by her adoptive Mum.

Thursday, 19th of May 2016: Chihuahua Rescue Victoria is pleased to announce that we succesfully won a grant for $5,000 under the Animal Welfare Fund - Grants Program!.

Wednesday, 27th of April 2016: Sasha is a gorgeous little "deer" or "Bambi" Chihuahua of six years. She was timid but very gentle. We are so happy to get this update from her new forever home. Read about it in Sasha's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Tuesday, 2nd of February 2016: because we have started to see spam messages come through our Contact Us and Expression of Interest pages, we have had to add a Captcha to each of those pages to force people to enter letters from a randomised image to prove they are not spam-bots.

Saturday, 26th of September 2015: When we first put this girl up for adoption, Frankie was quite the "escape artiste"! Well, it seems she has found a place she doesn't ever want to escape from, and we have so many wonderful photos to prove it! Read about it in Frankie's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Sunday, 13th of September 2015: This beautiful little "older" lady found her forever loving home. Says her new Mum: Penny sleeps on my bed, follows me everywhere, eats like a Labrador and demands belly rubs. What a life! Read about it in Penny's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Saturday, 12th of September 2015: In 2007, we saw a little girl come from the pound as unclaimed. We named her Chee Chee and she was adopted by C and E, and we were honoured to receive these updates for Chee Chee in 2007, 2008, 2010 and a new lovely update in 2015. Read about it in Chee Chee's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Sunday, 6th of September 2015: Happy Father's day to all the Dads who have opened their hearts and homes to a Chihuahua from Chihuahua Rescue Victoria - thank you so much. Not that we are implying anything about Fathers and losing things, but we have updated the Found or lost dogs page with new information about the organisations that register microchips, services that can help you find a lost dog and other resources to help you make a Lost/Found dog flyer.

Sunday, 2nd of August 2015: we have added a new page to the site with advice and tips on what to do if you have lost your dog or found a lost dog. See it all on the new Found or lost dogs page!

Friday, 19th of June 2015: Pearly-Sue was originally known to us as Susie. She is a very gentle and loving little girl who likes to curl up in her bed and sleep a fair bit as most older girls do! In her new forever home, she has successfully manipulated two cats into believing that she is the boss, yet she also enjoys snuggles from them. Read more on Pearly-Sue's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story.

Saturday, 13th of June 2015: Welcome to our redesigned site! We gave the whole site a facelift, updated a bunch of pages and added some new functionality here and there. We hope you like it! Read more about it in our Newsletter from June, 2015.

Thursday, 7th of May 2015: Newsletter from May, 2015 - Provide for your Chihuahua after you have gone.

Sunday, 12th of April 2015: We now have a form for you to register an expression of interest in one of our Chihuahua Rescue Victoria dogs. You might find it useful to first check out which dogs we have available. Underneath any dog who is currently available, there is a link to the expression of interest form. Fill it and press the button - we will get your info and reply to you shortly afterwards.

Wedesday, 11th of February 2015: New layout for this web site is coming soon! Our web developer is working on a layout that will use a brand new logo created for us. Look out for it any day now.

Sunday, 30th of November 2014: 2015 Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Calendar has arrived! Buy your very own from our 2015 Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Calendar web-page. This gorgeous glossy A3 spiral bound 2015 calendar is now available for sale to raise some very much needed funds for Chihuahua Rescue (and very small cross breeds). The prices are $20 each plus $10 for postage and packaging.

Sunday, 6th of July 2014: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Archie!

Saturday, 10 of May 2014: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Breezy!

Tuesday, 11th of March 2014: is our March 2014 newsletter

Sunday, 2nd of February 2014: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Penny!

Saturday, 1st of February 2014: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Chucky!

Tuesday, 19th of November 2013: November Newsletter includes an announcement for the very first Chihuahua Rescue Calendar for 2014! Plus a sad little story of the Rainbow Bridge.

Sunday, 14th of July 2013: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Zippy!

Monday, 8th of July 2013: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Hosay!

Sunday, 30th of June 2013: you can support Chihuahua Rescue Victoria by shopping at any Ritchies store and showing them your Ritchies Community Benefits card. To learn more and see a list of Ritchies stores in Australia, see our new page: Ritchies Community Benefit Supports Chihuahua Rescue Victoria.

Friday, 17th of May 2013: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Bella!

Friday, 17th of May 2013: Newsletter from Friday May the 17th, 2013 features Bella's Story and Thank you to the Chihuahua Club.

Tuesday, 12th of March 2013: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Nillie!

Tuesday, 25th of December 2012: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Bomber!

Sunday, 9th of December 2012: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Felix!

Thursday, 11th of October 2012: latest Chihuahua Rescue Success Story is for Nillie!

Thursday, 11th of October 2012: check out Roscoe Rescue Fund on Facebook: I need extensive surgery on my eyes. The vet thinks I have no eye balls, but it hurts too much when he tries to check. Very soon I'll need surgery.

Thursday 13th of September 2012: our own Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Facebook page!

Sunday, 9th of September 2012: update your bookmarks - we have a new home! Note that this site is now permanently hosted on https://www.chihuahuarescuevictoria.org instead of the old Optus site. (The old links should automatically redirect to the new site just in case, but still update your bookmarks!)

Monday, 27th of August 2012: Success Story of Rocky.

Monday, 30th of July 2012: Success Story of Zippy - part 1.

Tuesday, 19th of June 2012: Success Story of Butler.

Saturday, 24th of December 2011: Part 3 of the on-going Success Story of Missy and Percy.

Sunday, 18th of September 2011: new success story for Hooley Dooley and Lacey!

Monday, 12th of September 2011: check this out: UK Shelter Shows Off Chihuahua-turned-sheepdog. Also read our newest Success Story for Willis!
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