2012 Success Stories
Bomber was adopted in October 2012. Here are some excerpts from his story and the beautiful update from his new loving family. On September 21, we put him up for adoption.

Monday, September 24.
Bomber is still very low. He just threw up. We have some fresh chicken to tempt him with tonight.
Later that day.
He is EATING! We chopped a wee bit of freshly roasted chicken for him and he is eating it. Will give him another tiny little bit about midnight, and hopefully he will start drinking too. Slowly slowly. He has stood up. He has been lying on his side so listless, poor baby. Fingers crossed for further improvement through the night!
Monday, October 29.
Little Bomber - a darling cuddle-pot - has just left to try out his new home. He was another we nursed after his surgery. He has adjusted over the weeks to become a very sociable little guy. He loves everyone, and when his new family came to see him, he jumped happily onto their laps and greeted their little dog - it was fantastic. We will miss you my darling Bomber!
Thursday, 20th of December 2012
We received another update!
Dear Rita,
Just a quick note to let you know Bomber is now a well loved member of our family and very much at home!
Bella and Bomber have formed a great friendship, the house resounds with the thunder of little paws chasing one another and everyone is happy. Bomber has a delightful nature and, at heart, is quite the skallywag! He is first in bed with me in the mornings, closely followed by Bella with both dogs ending up under the covers. Sometimes it is like sharing the bed with a feather duster. Also he has surprised us with how easy he is to groom - and he seems to love the shower. Unbelievable: my problem now is keeping him out of the shower!
Initially he was very timid with my husband John. But after a little TLC he is now a great fan and enjoys John's company too. We have found him to be wonderful with children and quite patient with young children and always ready to play.
Thank you so much for this Lyn - we are so glad that Butler has found a home!
Friday, 4th of May 2012
We are home safely and Butler enjoyed the car trip. He was sitting up on my knee looking out the window. We made the mistake of letting him have a run around the front yard and it took us half an hour to catch him! He is inside in his new bed with his very own teddy bear now. Two of our cats have been over to investigate. All is well so far.
I will be in touch again with more progress.
Many thanks for allowing us to adopt him. He is such a sweetheart.
Thursday, 17th of May 2012
Hi Rita,
Little Butler has settled in very well, I think he loves it here. He responds to his name and is gaining confidence daily. He is a totally different puppy to when we brought him home with us. He is such a wonderful little puppy, so full of love - and he follows me everywhere!
I think I am winning in the toilet training: there are not as many messes inside now, although he still needs to let me know when he wants to go. He responds to the word no which makes life easy, especially with the cats.
The first three days he barked at the cats and they kept their distance. Now they walk around freely and Butler doesn't bother them, although there are times when he wants to play and they are not sure as he is so fast! Our biggest problem with him is accepting other people, but I am positive that in time he will be able to trust everybody. In the meantime, when people come over and he won't stop barking at them, I put him out on the back deck and he calms down and watches everyone through the glass door. When he is ready I let him in and he just sits by my feet.
I have been babysitting my daughter's seven year old little dog for the past three days. Butler and he hit it off immediately: they play and run together most of the day. Ron and I are so happy to have Butler in our family: he has a forever home with us, so I guess this makes his adoption final!
Thank you so much for letting this little boy join our family. He is loved very much!
Yes you may publish my email on Facebook and the web page also. I would like others to know of his success story. From bad beginnings to a wonderful life - all that is needed is lots of love and patience. I will let you know of his progress over the coming weeks and months.
Thursday, 6th of December 2012
And in December 2012 Lyn wrote us another update.
Hi Rita,
Just a quick note to let you know about Butler's progress. As you can see from the pictures, his best friend Digby is a cat who is bigger than him - they are great mates! He is settled into his new home, almost like he's been here forever. He is house trained and nearly always lets us know when he wants to go out. Either that or he exits through the cat door onto the back deck. We have had very few accidents inside. I notice this happens when he has had a stressful day with a lot of people coming and going. Although they are people he knows, he doesn't like to share his home too often. We are now working on the barking, but I think that is going to be a long haul. He has a wonderful personality and real character. He has us in laughter a lot.
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to you and your family (both 2 legged & 4 legged).
From our 2 legged & 4 legged family!
Felix the Wonderdog
December 2012
First called Bullfrog, then Frankie and now Felix: this dog has the most gorgeous blue eyes and is very playful. Read about him in Felix's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story.
Nillie, Part 1
March 2013
This is a fantastic tale of Nillie the Chihuahua who found a loving home with Little Man the Greyhound and Pinky the Jack Russell! In October 2012, we recieved an update from Nillie's new loving family. You can read it in Nillie's 2013 Success Story (which incorporates the story from this year too).
August 2012
Thank you so much to Lynda for this update on Rocky!
Hello Rita and Mayer!
I just thought I'd send you an update on Rocky. He is basically running the household at Mum and Dad's house! Rocky has managed to convince Mum that he needs to sleep in her bed at night. Dad gets up at 7 am to make Mum a cup of tea and let Rocky out for a wee. When Rocky comes back inside, he races to the bedroom and goes back to bed with Mum for a sleep in after she's had her cup of tea!
Then there's breakfast, and Rocky has one of his many jumpers put on him before he and Mum head outside to sit under the verandah. Rocky has his own chair, and basks in the sunshine for a few hours.
Later in the day, Rocky and Mum watch the Bold and the Beautiful together! I think he's in heaven - Rocky has put on weight, his tail is up and wags frequently. Mum and Dad are so happy because he's a good watchdog too: he has a decent bark on him and lets them know if anyone is at the front door.
I have sneaked him over to my house for a couple of sleepovers too, so he's used to both homes and gets to socialise with Virgil and Petal. Rocky is King of the Mountain! It's a match made in heaven. Thank you so much, love to you all, xx.
July 2012
We received a lovely update for Zippy in July, 2012. Read about Zippy in his 2013 Success Story (which incorporates this story too).

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