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Chihuahua Stew

  1. Before you start
  2. Ingredients
  3. Cooking instructions
  4. Storage
  5. Feeding instructions

We were introduced to a very simple version of stew in 1987 by an elderly lady who made a meat, vegetable and rice mixture to feed the little stray dogs and cats that were forever hanging around her back doorstep. She told us that she could afford to feed many starving dogs and cats much more cheaply than buying cans of food.

We prefer to feed our dogs this Chihuahua Stew (over other processed foods) because we know exactly what is in it.

If your dog is allergic to grain, see the Grain Free Stew recipe.

Also, some dogs may react badly to sardines. Please test them with your dog first!

You can download a PDF of the recipes for your own reference: Chihuahua-Recipes_Chihuahua-stew.pdf.


Before you start

The vegetable mix we usually use is: carrots, celery, pineapple, green beans and broccoli. You can use whatever vegetables you have on hand really, but never use potato, onion or garlic.

Gathering together the fruit, veg and meat for the Chihuahua Stew.
Gathering together the fruit, veg and meat for the Chihuahua Stew.



  • 1/2 kg minced beef
  • 1/2 kg chopped beef
  • 2 cups pasta (any sort)
  • water to cover
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 2 cups of chopped pumpkin or sweet potato (or half and half)
  • 1 egg (optional)
  • 3 biggish carrots, roughly chopped up
  • 2 sticks celery, roughly chopped up
  • 1/4 cup broccoli, roughly chopped up
  • 1/4 cup green beans, roughly chopped up
    Carrots, celery, broccoli and beans.
    Carrots, celery, broccoli and beans.
  • 1/4 small pineapple, roughly chopped up
  • 1 x 125 gram tin of sardines in oil
    1 x 125 gram tin of sardines in oil. Portview Sardines in oil is the specific brand we use.
    1 x 125 gram tin of sardines in oil. Portview Sardines in oil is the specific brand we use.

The stew can be served with these.

  • Some raw minced beef.
  • Some cooked chopped chicken.


Cooking instructions

  1. Chop up the carrots, celery, pineapple, green beans and broccoli roughly, i.e. into big pieces.
  2. Take the carrots, celery, pineapple, green beans and broccoli and put them in a blender with the sardines.
    Take the carrots, celery, pineapple, green beans and broccoli and put them in a blender with the sardines.
    Take the carrots, celery, pineapple, green beans and broccoli and put them in a blender with the sardines.
  3. Blend them together for a very short time until you have a roughly chopped mixture, not a fine paste.
    Blend broccoli, beans, carrot and celery together for a very short time until you have a roughly chopped mixture, not a fine paste.
    Blend broccoli, beans, carrot and celery together for a very short time until you have a roughly chopped mixture, not a fine paste.
  4. Chop pumpkin and sweet potato.
  5. Blend pumpkin and sweet potato together for a very short time until you have a roughly chopped mixture, not a fine paste.
  6. Put the beef, pasta, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach and water to cover in a big pot. Heat until the mixture comes to boil.
  7. If using egg, beat the egg (stir it quickly to break it up into a smooth light yellow mixture) while the rest is coming to boil.
  8. Once the mixture has started to boil, add the rice.
  9. If using egg, add in the beaten egg now.
  10. Keep on a low boil until thickened and the rice is almost cooked.
  11. Turn off the heat and add the raw vegetable and sardines mixture.
  12. Allow the mixture to stand until cool before refrigerating or freezing.



In the fridge, the stew should be OK for three days. Store in any suitable freezer container but remember to allow the mixture to stand until cool before refrigerating or freezing. Choose container sizes that will let you store three days' worth for each dog you have.

In the fridge, the stew should be OK for three days. Store in any suitable freezer container, but remember to allow the mixture to stand until cool before refrigerating or freezing. Choose container sizes that will let you store three day's worth for each dog you have.
In the fridge, the stew should be OK for three days. Store in any suitable freezer container, but remember to allow the mixture to stand until cool before refrigerating or freezing. Choose container sizes that will let you store three day's worth for each dog you have.

The stew can easily be kept frozen for a month, but not much more than that. We suggest putting a sticker on the container and label it with the date you prepared the food so you will know if it has been kept for too long. Discard old frozen mixture.


Feeding instructions

You must feed all Chihuahuas twice a day, tiny ones especially.

  1. Give them stew in the morning: 1/2 a cup to 3/4 of a cup depending on the dog's size.
    • Optionally, top the stew with a level tablespoon of raw beef and a level tablespoon of chopped, cooked, chicken meat. You can do this with each meal or infrequently: two or three days a week is fine.
    • If the dog does not eat their food within half an hour, take away the bowl, cover it with glad wrap and refrigerate it. You can then offer the same dinner again in the evening. They may test you for up to 24 hours before eating, but they will eat it and soon they will love it!
  2. As their second meal of the day, give them one or two of our biscuits or 1/4 of a cup to 1/2 of a cup of good quality dried dog food.

Serving sizes are very much up to your own judgement for how much your dog needs. Never over-feed them.



A nutritional and cheap recipe to feed your Chihuahuas.




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