Archie's Success Story
Archie first goes up for adoption as Jax

Wednesday, 2nd of April 2014
When we first put up Archie for adoption, his name was Jax!
Jax is a gorgeous little Chihuahua cross, very small, happy, playful little man. He has been desexed, immunised, and microchipped. Not 100% toilet trained but learning fast. He is still very much a puppy at 18 months of age.
Feel free to discuss Archie on this Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Facebook post for Archie!
Archie chose a new family

Saturday, 12th of April 2014
Archie has chosen his new family and just loves his new Mummy. He will be this young lady's first doggy and pet - apart from a goldfish! They are coming to pick him up on Monday. On hearing this, Ketura asked: what type of dog is a goldfish? Mayer told the little girl "I don't like taking the goldfish for a walk". "Why?" she asked. He said "every time I take them out of the tank for a walk they keep taking epileptic fits!"
Archie decided to stay!

Monday, 14th of April 2014
Today we got notified that Archie has chosen to stay with his new family and got a new name, so he is no longer Jax! Good luck you marvellous little man. Death row in the pound was close and we are so thankful for wonderful families like this.
Archie's sew family writes
Wednesday, 30th of April 2014
Archie's new adoptive family have written. We are so pleased to get updates from the families who take in these darlings.
Just an update on our beloved Archie who joined our family over two weeks ago.
The little fella is doing well after a recent fight with an ear infection. He is becoming more and more trusting each day as we show him the love and affection he truly deserves.
He has proven to be a highly intelligent dog who has learned very quickly and adapted to our home and surrounds. He mastered the fifteen steps upstairs within days and has never done his business in the house - lucky for me! He now knows the harness and lead are for fun walks around our neighbourhood and that veggies are in fact yummy! He even made friends this week with our next door neighbour's Maltese called Tofu and sleeping in our child's bed is one of his favourite cheeky habits!
We'd like to share some pics with you and those who are considering giving a little doggy a new home.
Thank you for your tireless efforts and crusade to save the lives of some of nature's most beautiful creatures.
Best wishes
These are such great pictures! We received the most gorgeous photo of Archie with two members of his new family, and their faces are just full of love and joy. I truly wanted to share these, however I never publish identifying photos of humans, so please excuse the trimming. I hope you can get an idea by the smiles!
Archie on Mother's Day
Sunday, 11th of May 2014
Loved this quick update about Archie!
Hi Rita and Mayer,
What else would a canine do on a cold Sunday afternoon after a well-needed bath? Well, this is how Archie spent Mother's Day post-lunch consisting of turkey neck meat! Not bad coming from death row a few weeks ago. We just love him so so much.
Archie's New Family, xx
Archie - looking fit and trim
Monday, 19th of May 2014
It is always true that the happiest Chihuahuas also get regular exercise and a diet - it is obvious from the energy they have and the love they give back to us. Archie's new family are taking the best care of him.
Hi Rita.
It's me Archie! Just to tell you that I've been well. In fact, so well that I am now 3.5kgs! This is me (pic) after a tasty meal of kidneys and turkey meat - now resting in my fav spot - on the couch!
I get to walk every day, picking up the kids from school and around Jells Park on the weekend.
I think I'll stay here - they're not too bad! I get most things my way as well as puppy milk and a cuddle each morning!
Say hello to Mayer & my fellow Chis!
Archie xx
Archie is settled in
Saturday, 7th of June 2014
It's so lovely to see Archie going strong - keep it up!
Good morning Grandma!
Just a quick update to let you know that I am doing well. It's been almost two months at my new home and I have really settled in!
I go for a walk every day around the lovely Lake Sutton, which is just across the road from my house. This ensures I don't get too chubby! I also have a new friend Alfie - he's a Cocker Spaniel who loves to chase me but can't catch me!
I am still occasionally frightened by some things which remind me of bad things I have experienced in the past. Though, I'm getting heaps better with my trust issues and I don't cower as much as before.
I am sending you some more pics of me to show you that I am being loved by my whole new family!
Lots of love,
Archie xx
(I've been a good guard dog too, 'this is my house!')
A Love of Literature
Wednesday, 23rd of June 2014
Got this update revealing that Archie is indeed fit and literate!
Hi Grandma.
My new family just realised how much I love books and being read to. I sit quietly and take in as much as I can. Sometimes I even fall asleep! The colorful pictures are my favourite! Look at how cute I am snuggled under my human's arm.
Love Archie xx
Archie on Facebook
Thank you so much for rescuing Archie and providing such wonderful feedback - glad to see Archie is in a happy home!
Feel free to discuss Archie on this Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Facebook post for Archie!
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