Portia was adopted out in 2005 to a wonderful and caring forever home. Her adoptive Mum reached out to us yesterday to let us know that Portia passed away on Tuesday, 17th of January 2017.
Beautiful image created by L for her beloved companion, Portia. (Sunday, 22nd of January 2017)
From time to time I've thought of letting you know how Portia (Porche on her initial papers) is faring. On Tuesday morning she passed away, but I wanted you to know that she had a long and wonderful life.
My daughter and I picked up Portia from what I believe was your place in Frankston some time in 2005, when she was 2 years old. In the beginning she was not afraid of anything including large dogs and aggressive people. You told us that of all the people who came to look at her (she was very cute) we were the only people she didn't bite - perhaps that had something to do with the roast chicken I got a nudge to bring?
I initially thought of Portia being my daughter's dog as she'd suffered the trauma of losing two people close to her within one year. However, I soon realised that Portia had come to rescue me. She became my best friend and companion for 12 years. Early on she had to have a pin put in one of her hindlegs as the knee cap kept slipping out and there were a few other health conditions we tended to over the years, as there is in everybody's life.
She loved the beach and the park and walked everywhere with me without a leash - she always stayed close and obeyed commands without ever being trained. She ate good quality human food and loved Phillipa's shortbread, though she didn't get it very often of course. She had several coats in winter and several beds around the house. Her favourite place in winter was in front of the blow heater: she liked the hot air blowing the long hair of her ears and no doubt she felt like she was on the beach… where she loved getting wet and then racing around on the sand like a rocket.
Portia was the best thing that happened to me ~ and if it wasn't for you it would't have happened. So in this time of Portia's passing, I express my sincere gratitude to you for rescuing her - and in turn rescuing me.
I wish you all the very best for 2017 and the future.
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